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Available languages
11 Messages Fusion Special days
1 czech (cz) czech (cz) Czech Republic
2 german (de) german (de) Germany Austria
3 danish (dk) danish (dk) Denmark
4 english (en) english (en) United States Canada United Kingdom Ireland Wales Northern Ireland Scotland United Kingdom and Ireland
5 spanish (es) spanish (es) Spain
6 finnish (fi) finnish (fi) Finland
7 french (fr) french (fr) France Quebec Quebec and Canada
8 italian (it) italian (it) Italy
9 dutch (nl) dutch (nl) Netherlands Belgium
10 norwegian (no) norwegian (no) Norway
11 portuguese (pt) portuguese (pt) Portugal Brazil
Main calendar view in french

If you want to translate Wcal into another language, you just have to modify three files:


This file contains all messages used by Wcal. For example, if you want to add swedish (se), you just have to add lines that look like:
        'se' => 'the message translated in swedish',


This is the HTML help file displayed when users click on "Fusion" link. Put your translated file into your language doc subdirectory. For example, for swedish: /var/www/html/wcal/doc/se


This is the optional file used by Wcal to display the special days. You can build a file that contains the description of the non-working days for your country. The date must be entered without extra '0' characters. For example, for a non-working day the 4th of July, you will write:
      '4/7/2004' => "non-working day label",
Please send me your translated files at js@electriccafe.org. You will be added to the Wcal contributors list.

© 2004 Joël Savignon