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  1. Requirements
  2. MyNews user creation
  3. MyNews database creation
    1. PostgreSQL
    2. MySQL
  4. Install procedure
The MN perl module needs to be installed before installing then mynews script. See Step 1 for more information.

Then you need to install the DBMS you have choosen to save the news. Possible DBMS are:

  • PostgreSQL
  • MySQL
The DBMS are available as packages of your Linux distribution or can be downloaded from:

Finally, you must install a webserver to run the MyNews web interface. Generally, you will use Apache that comes with any Linux distribution. You can get more information about installing and configuring Apache at:

MyNews requires to create a new unix user to run the mynews script and run the MyNews web interface. Generally you will create a user called mynews. As mynews user will own the MyNews web interface files and directories, it must belong to the group that runs your webserver (generally apache). You can create the unix user by running:
> useradd -g apache mynews
MyNews requires to create a database to store news grabbed from websites. You also have to create a database user that will be authorized to access to this database. Here is the common way to do this (replace ****** by password):


> su - postgres
> createuser -P mynews
Enter password for user "mynews": ******
Enter it again: ******
Shall the new user be allowed to create databases? (y/n) y
Shall the new user be allowed to create more new users? (y/n) n
> su - mynews
> createdb mynews


> mysql --user=root mysql
GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON *.* TO 'mynews'@'localhost'
The installation of the mynews script is very simple. After extracting the mynews archive package, goto the package directory and run:
> perl Makefile.PL
> make
> make test
> make install
During installation you will have to configure some parameters. Generally, you will choose the default value.
Install dir [/usr]:
The directory used to install mynews script. Default value (/usr) means that mynews script will be located at /usr/bin. For example you can change it to /usr/local.
Conf dir [/etc]:
The directory used to install the mynews.conf configuration file. If you don't want to use the default value (/etc), you will have to set the MNCONF environment variable or use the -c option of the mynews script to use the right configuration file.
Database type (pgsql|mysql) [pgsql]:
The DBMS used to store news (pgsql for PostgreSQL, mysql for MySQL).
Database name [mynews]:
The name of the database used to store news (see MyNews database creation).
Database user [mynews]:
The database user used to connect to the MyNews database (see MyNews database creation).
Database pass [mynews]:
The password of the database user used to connect to the MyNews database (see MyNews database creation).
MyNews local site directory [/var/www/mynews]:
The directory that will contains the scripts of the MyNews web interface (see Apache configuration).
MyNews local site URL [http://localhost]:
The URL to access to the MyNews web interface. Generally you will create a virtual host. For example: http://mynews.my.server (see MyNews virtual host).
MyNews distant site URL [http://www.neosystem.com/mynews]:
The URL of the MyNews repository used to download new templates, themes, updates... You generally don't have to change this.
MyNews email address [MyNews ]:
The email address of the sender in the MyNews notification emails. For example: mynews@my.organization.
MyNews unix user [mynews]:
The unix user that will run the mynews script (see MyNews user creation).
MyNews unix group [apache]:
The unix group that will run the mynews script (see MyNews user creation).

© 2004 Joël Savignon