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  1. The configuration file
  2. Backend configuration
  3. Webserver configuration
  4. Additional code
  5. Mail notification configuration
  6. Public webserver configuration
MyNews configuration is stored in a text file. By default, this file is located at /etc/mynews.conf. The configuration file must be owned by the mynews user. If you want to use an alternate location, you have to define the MNCONF environment variable.

Resources in the configuration file match the following syntax:

name = value
Lines that begin with # are ignored (comments).
The database backend configuration is a specific part of the configuration file. It is delimited by the lines:
backend default
end backend
Available resources for the backend are:
  • type : type of DBMS (pgsql for PostgreSQL, mysql for MySQL)
  • database : database name to store news
  • user : database user to access to the database
  • pass : database password to access to the database
  • webdir : directory used to install the MyNews web interface
  • weburl : complete URL of the MyNews webserver
  • mnurl : URL of the website used to check for new templates and themes
Optional URLs can be defined to insert code in the MyNews pages. For example banners, copyrights, links to other sites...
  • headerurl : URL used to add a header code to each MyNews page
  • innerurl : URL used to add code after the news code
  • footerurl : URL used to add a footer code to each MyNews page
Each URL is automatically called by MyNews when constructing the MyNews HTML page. HTML code generated by the URL is added to the MyNews page. The URL can be a static HTML page or a CGI script. In that case, you can use some parameters to figure out the call context:
  • __user : contains the login of the user that requested the MyNews page
  • __script : contains the MyNews cgi script name that have been requested
  • __lang : contains the current language of the MyNews page
Additionally, the parameters of the MyNews cgi script are passed to your cgi script.
  • mnmail : MyNews mail identity used as sender of the MyNews notification mails
  • hours : Interval of hours when MyNews will send notification mails
  • days : Interval of days when MyNews will send notification mails
For example, if hours is set to 9-18 and days to 1-5, it means that MyNews will send notification mails from 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. from monday to wednesday. If mynews scan is sent out of those intervals (night and weekend), MyNews will bufferize news notification until the next interval. It means that user will receive only one mail for all news of the night and one mail for all news of the weekend.
An optional public webserver can be defined. The public server can be considered as a second installation of the MyNews web interface. The only difference is that there is no user authentication to access to the public site.
  • puburl : complete URL of the MyNews public webserver
  • publang : language of public webserver (override browser preferences)
  • pubtheme : graphical theme of public webserver
  • pubdisplay : visual display value of public webserver (see display attribute of the mnuser table)
  • pubnpp : number of news per page of public webserver
  • pubregistration : if set to yes, allows the creation of a MyNews account from the public site.

© 2004 Joël Savignon