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  1. Introduction
  2. Article life cycle
    1. Section not moderated
    2. Section moderated
  3. MyCMS author main window
  4. Author's articles list
  5. Article main page
    1. Edit the article
    2. Submit the article to moderators
    3. Publish the article
    4. Manage article links
    5. Manage article images
    6. Manage article notes
  6. Article editor
    1. Adding styles
    2. Adding links
    3. Adding images
    4. Adding notes
    5. Adding misc elements
  7. Link editor
  8. Image editor
  9. Note editor
MyCMS is an extension of MyNews that will allow you to write articles as you can see in newspaper. Your articles will be published in the MyNews website and a news will be generated to access to the article. Articles are written in plain text. A special editor allows you to insert links, images, footnotes and change text style.
An article will have a status that will defines how and by whom it can be accessed. There are two different cases for an article depending on the section it belongs to:

Section not moderated

This is the simpliest case. The author is responsible for creation, modification and publication of the article. The article flowchart looks like this:

Section moderated

This case is more complex. The author is responsible for creation, modification of the article. The moderator receives article publication request and decides to publish the article or to send it back to author for modification. The article flowchart then looks like this:

If you are author, you will see a new menu
When you select this menu, you will display a summary of all your article. Articles are sorted by status:
  • Created: number of articles in creation
  • Modified: number of articles in modification
  • Submitted: number of articles submitted to moderators
  • Published: number of articles published in the MyNews website
If you click on a number, you will display the list of the articles with the corresponding status.
menu will display the list of all your articles sorted by status and modification date. The view display the 20 more recent articles. You can have access to other articles by using the Page selector.

You can restrict the list of articles to a particular status by clicking on the corresponding link of the Status column. You can cancel the restriction by clicking on the Status column header link. You can make the same restriction for Section and Topic columns.

If you click on the title of an article, you will access the article main page.

You can create a new article by clicking on the button. You will access to the article editor.

When you have selected one of your articles, you will access to the article main page. The main page is divided in three parts:

At the top, you will have information about the article (author, dates, status...) and actions you can do depending on the status of the article.

At the center, you will have a preview of the article (as it will be displayed in the MyNews website).

At the bottom, you will have the list of all objects related to the article (links, images and footnotes).

Edit the article

If the article is in status Created, Modified or Published, you will be able to edit the article by clicking on the button. If the article is in status Published and you confirm article edition, the article automatically switches to status Modified and is not visible anymore from the MyNews website.

Submit the article to moderators

If the article is in status Created, Modified and the corresponding section is moderated, you will be able to request the publication of the article by clicking on the button. The text entered in the Comment field will be inserted in the publication request mail sent to moderators. After submission, the article is in status Submitted and you can no more edit the article.

Publish the article

If the article is in status Created, Modified and the corresponding section is not moderated, you will be able to directly publish the article by clicking on the button. A news is created for the article with the abstract of the article. The text entered in the Comment field will be inserted in the news created during article publication process. After publication, the article is in status Published and is visible from the MyNews website.

Manage article links

At the bottom of the article main page, the list of article links is displayed. If you click on the name of one link, you will access to the link editor for this link. New link can be added to the article by clicking on the button.

Manage article images

At the bottom of the article main page, the list of article images is displayed. If you click on the name of one image, you will access to the image editor for this image. New image can be added to the article by clicking on the button.

Manage article notes

At the bottom of the article main page, the list of article notes is displayed. If you click on the name of one note, you will access to the note editor for this note. New note can be added to the article by clicking on the button.

The article editor allows you to create a new article or modify an existing one. Any modification will not be effective until you click on the button.

If you are editing a new article, you will be able to choose the section for the article from the sections in which you can create articles.

Optionally, you can set the topic for the article.

Then you can set the name of the article. It's the string that will be used as title for the article (and the corresponding news). Name is plain text (no style)

Just under the name field, you will have a multilines text field to enter the article abstract. The abstract is displayed just under the article name generally in a bigger font than the body of the article. It will be used as the body of the news corresponding to the article. Abstract can contain styles, links and misc elements.

Finally, you will have a bigger multilines text field to enter the content of the article. The content of the article can contains styles, links, images, notes and misc elements.

Adding styles

A selector above the abstract and content text fields allows you to change the style of some parts of the text. Select with the mouse the text you want to change then select the style in the Styles selector. Special characters will be added to your text that will be interpreted when MyCMS builds the article preview. Available styles are:

  • Quote: text in italic surrounded by quotes to mark a citation
  • Unquote: text in normal style inserted in a citation
  • Highlight: text in bold to be emphasized
  • Header 1: centered title with a new intial letter (article content only)
  • Header 2: sub title with no intial letter (article content only)

Adding links

A second selector allows you to insert link in the text. Select with the mouse the text you want to be a link then select the link in the Links selector. The selected text will be displayed as a link in the article preview.

Adding images

A third selector (article content only) allows you to insert image in the text. Set the text cursor where you want to insert the image then select the image in the Images selector. The selected image will be inserted in the article preview.

Adding notes

A fourth selector (article content only) allows you to insert note in the text. Set the text cursor where you want to insert the note then select the note in the Notes selector. The note will be desiplayed as a number surrounded by parenthesis in the article preview. When you put the mouse on the number, the note will be displayed.

Adding misc elements

A last selector allows you to insert special characters in your text. Set the text cursor where you want to insert the element then select the element in the Misc. selector. Available elements are:

  • ----------: horizontal ruler
  • Carriage return: line break
  • €, ©, ®...: miscellaneous charaters
A link is a set of two elements:
  • Name: text string that describes the link (for example: "MyNews homepage")
  • URL: URL to use for the link (for example: "http://www.neosystem.com/mynews/")
The URL can be any valid URL. If the URL corresponds to a HTML page, you can check it by clicking on the button. If the name of the link is not set, MyCMS will try to fetch the title of the HTML page.

If a link has no name, it will not be displayed at the bottom of the article preview. This could be interesting for links only used in notes.

An image is described by some characteristics:
  • Name: text string used as image legend
  • Width: width of the inline image in pixels
  • Height: height of the inline image in pixels
  • Align: image alignment (left or right) in the text
  • Border: to draw a border line around the image
  • Link: to transform the inline image in a link to the original sized image (zoom)
When you create a new image, you have to select the image in your local host and upload it in the server by clicking on the button. MyCMS figures out the real width and height of your image and shows you a preview of the image in a text. Then you can change the visual aspect of the image by using the following fields:
  • Name: to set the image legend
  • Width: to change the inline image width (height is set to keep the image proportion)
  • Height: to change the inline image height (width is set to keep the image proportion)
  • Scale: shortcut to quickly set the image dimension
  • Border: display or not the image border
  • Align: to set the inline image alignment
Any modification will not be effective until you click on the or button. Original sized image is kept by MyCMS to avoid quality loss.
A note is a set of two elements:
  • Content: text that will represent the body of the note
  • Link: optional link used by the note as an information complement
Notes are numbered in the order of appearance in the article content.

© 2004 Joël Savignon