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 News RSS 2.0


 Web repositories


  1. Introduction
  2. Templates
    1. Templates list
    2. Template editor
    3. Importing/Exporting template
    4. Updating template from MyNews website
    5. Template status
    6. Template icon
  3. Topics
  4. News
  5. Themes
    1. Themes list
    2. Theme editor
    3. Importing/Exporting theme
    4. Updating theme from MyNews website
  6. Users
    1. User editor
When you access to MyNews, you are asked to identify yourself (login/password). Most login/password correspond to MyNews readers but some users will have privilege to administrate MyNews. Those users are called admin users.

After MyNews installation, only one user is created (login = admin, password = mynews). This user have of course admin privilege. You can use this login to create other users (with admin privilege or not).

If you have admin privilege, you will have a special menu
to access MyNews administration. When you click on the admin menu, you will have access to the following admin menus :

This menu allows you to manage MyNews templates.

Templates list

The main page of this menu displays the list of all templates present in your MyNews server. The list have four columns:

Template editor

A template describes a website and how to grab news from this site. The template editor is composed of six different parts:

General: general information about the website.

  • Id: template id (alphanumeric chars only, unique, ie: slashdot)
  • Name: website name (for display purpose, ie: Slashdot)
  • Comment: website comment (for display purpose, ie: News for nerds, stuff that matters)
  • URL: URL to grab (ie: http://slashdot.org/)
  • Language: native language of the website (ie: English)
  • MyNews Id: if the template is registered in the MyNews distant site, this field contains the id of the template in the MyNews distant site (generally the same as Id, usefull for update, ie: slashdot)
  • Last update: if the template is registered in the MyNews distant site, this field contains the date of the last time the template was update from the MyNews distant site (ie: 11/11/2004 15:32:28)

News: information about how to extract news from the website URL. All fields of this part are perl regular expressions. Values are extracted from the HTML code of the website URL by using () characters. Special characters ( . ? + ...) must be preceeded by \ character. For more information about perl regular expressions, run:

> perldoc perlre
  • Start: perl regexp to detect the beginning of the news in the HTML code of the website URL
  • End: perl regexp to detect the ending of the news in the HTML code of the website URL
  • Id: perl regexp to extract the news id. The news id must be unique for the website. It allows MyNews to build the link to the news (ie: (\d+/\d+/\d+/\d+)\.shtml[^>]+><B>Read More\.\.\.)
  • Name: perl regexp to extract the news title (ie: SIZE="4" COLOR="FFFFFF"><B>(.*)</B>)
  • Date: perl regexp to extract the news date (optional, three values: year, month, day, ie: /(\d+)/(\d+)/(\d+)/\d+\.shtml[^>]+><B>Read More\.\.\.)
  • First line: perl regexp to detect the beginning of the news body (string between () are kept in news body, ie: (Posted by.*))
  • Last line: perl regexp to detect the ending of the news body (optional, string between () are kept in news body, ie: Read More\.\.\.)

Links: information to build links to the website.

  • News: to build the link to a news. %s is replaced by the news id. If two %s appear in this field, the first one is replaced by the news topic id and the second one is replaced by the news id (ie: http://slashdot.org/articles/%s.shtml)
  • Template icon: URL of the template icon (ie: http://images.slashdot.org/topics/topicslashdot.gif)
  • Topic icon: to build the link to the icon of a topic. %s is replaced by the topic icon name (optional, ie: http://images.slashdot.org/topics/%s)

Topic: information about how to extract topics from the website URL. All fields of this part are perl regular expressions.

  • Id: perl regexp to extract the topic id. The topic id must be unique for the website (ie: search\.pl\?topic=(\d+))
  • Name: perl regexp to extract the topic name (for display purpose, ie: TITLE="([^"]+)"></A><BR>)
  • Icon: perl regexp to extract the topic icon file name (ie: /topics/(.*.gif))

Search / Replace: to perform some cleaning operations in the news body. Each line of the Search field is treated as a single regexp. The corresponding line in the Replace field is used to perform the string replacement. If there is no corresponding line, the search string is removed from the news body. For example to suppress extra tags in the news body, you can set Search to: <[^>]*> and leave Replace empty.

You can test the template extraction by clicking on the button. Extracted news are not saved in database. When the extraction seems OK, you submit template changes by clicking on the button.

Importing/Exporting template

Templates can be exported as .mnt file by clicking on the button of the template editor.

Templates can be imported from .mnt file by selecting the .mnt file and clicking on the button of the template editor.

Updating template from MyNews website

A list of available templates is stored on the MyNews website. Those templates are maintained and updated when corresponding websites change their HTML code. A news is generated on the MyNews website when a template has been changed or when new template has been added. You can use your MyNews site to grab the news by using the MyNews template. News contains a link to update your template.

You can also check for recent changes by clicking on the button. Templates are displayed in a list with a status icon.
: The template is up-to-date. No update is needed.

Needs update
: The template has been modified in the MyNews distant site. It needs to be updated.

: The template has been added in the MyNews distant site. You can download it.

In the template editor, you can force the template update by clicking on the button.

Template status

The status is used to enable/disable the template. The Status colunm displays an icon corresponding to the template status:
: The template is active. News are grabbed when you run the command mynews scan. Template is visible in the MyNews web interface.

: The template is inactive. News are not grabbed when you run the command mynews scan. Template is hidden in the MyNews web interface.

When you click on the status icon, you switch the template from active to inactive and vice versa.

Template icon

The icon of a template is grabbed from the template website.

You can reload the template icon from the website by clicking on the
Reload icon from website

You can customize the template icon by clicking on the
Customize icon
You can then select the icon you want to upload and click on the button. The icon is changed when you click on the button.

This menu allows you to manage website topics icons. The icon of a topic is grabbed from the template website.

You can reload the topic icon from the website by clicking on the
Reload icon from website

You can customize the topic icon by clicking on the
Customize icon
You can then select the icon you want to upload and click on the button. The icon is changed when you click on the button.

This menu allows you to manage stored news. The default view displays the 20 more recent news. You can have access to other news by using the Page selector.

If you click on the template name of a news, you will restrict news list to the news of this template. Then if you click on the Template column header, the restriction is cancelled. Same thing for the topic and the date columns.

You can delete some news by clicking on the button. You need to have checked the selected news before using the button. You can select/unselect all displayed news by using the and buttons.

This menu allows you to manage MyNews themes.

Themes list

The main page of this menu displays the list of all themes present in your MyNews server. The list have two columns:

  • Id: to access to the theme editor
  • Icon: that displays theme logo and info bubble description

Theme editor

A theme describes the way to customize the look of the MyNews web interface. The theme editor is composed of three different parts:

General: general information about the theme.

  • Id: theme id (alphanumeric chars only, unique, ie: slashdot)
  • Name: theme name (for display purpose, ie: Slashdot)
  • Comment: theme comment (for display purpose, ie: Slashdot like theme)
  • MyNews Id: if the theme is registered in the MyNews distant site, this field contains the id of the theme in the MyNews distant site (generally the same as Id, usefull for update, ie: slashdot)
  • Last update: if the theme is registered in the MyNews distant site, this field contains the date of the last time the theme was update from the MyNews distant site (ie: 11/11/2004 15:32:28)

Images: images and icons used by the theme. Images can be uploaded by using the button. When you click on an image, you will be asked to remove this image.

CSS: Cascading Style Sheets file editor for the theme. The Mode selector allows you to edit the CSS used in the website and the CSS used when you print a page. The printer CSS is optional. See the MyNews CSS manual for more information about CSS of MyNews.

You can test the theme by clicking on the button. When the modification seems OK, you submit theme changes by clicking on the button.

Importing/Exporting theme

Themes can be exported as .thm file by clicking on the button of the theme editor.

Themes can be imported from .thm file by selecting the .thm file and clicking on the button of the theme editor.

Updating theme from MyNews website

A list of available themes is stored on the MyNews website. Those themes are maintained and updated. A news is generated on the MyNews website when a theme has been changed or when new theme has been added. You can use your MyNews site to grab the news by using the MyNews template. News contains a link to update your theme.

You can also check for recent changes by clicking on the button. Themes are displayed in a list with a status icon.
: The theme is up-to-date. No update is needed

Needs update
: The theme has been modified in the MyNews distant site. It needs to be updated.

: The theme has been added in the MyNews distant site. You can download it.

In the theme editor, you can force the theme update by clicking on the button.

This menu allows you to manage users authorized to access MyNews. The users list contains five columns:
  • Login: to access to the user editor
  • Admin: to display wether user has admin privilege or not
  • Name: to display the user name
  • E-Mail: to send a mail to one particular user
  • Subscriptions: to display the templates the user has subscribed to

User editor

A user is identified by its login. This login must be unique in the MyNews server.

User password can be changed by an admin user (for example, when a user forgot his password). If you leave the cell empty, the userpassword is not changed.

The Admin selector allows to add or remove admin privilege to a user.

See the user preferences for other fields of the user editor.

© 2004 Joël Savignon