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Doom Is Now Playable On a Lawnmower
Slashdot Landscaping tech company Husqvarna has partnered with Bethesda to bring the original 1993 Doom to its $2,000+ robotic lawnmowers. Kotaku reports: This new way to play Doom arrives in April on all Nera robotic lawnmower models. You don't have to pay for the game, either, just a $2,000+ lawnmower. Instead, just download it and play the shooter via the robo-mower's built-in screen. To rotate your view, you turn the knob and to shoot demons, you press it down. You hold the start button to move forward.

A few caveats to mention. First, this isn't available in the United States. Why? I don't know. Perhaps we can't be trusted with video games on lawnmowers? Secondly, this isn't all of Doom. Instead, it's just the first episode -- Knee Deep In The Dead -- which is arguably its most famous one, sure, but just keep in mind you won't be able to play the rest of the beloved shooter in the middle of your backyard on a tiny LCD screen. Sorry.

Sadly, this won't be a permanent feature that you can show off to family and friends for years to come. Instead, Doom and all its demons and guns will be removed from lawnmowers on September 9. So enjoy it while you can.

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