  1. What is MyNews?
  2. Getting started
  3. First connection of admin user
MyNews is a program that scans selected websites for recent news. News are stored in a database. MyNews users can subsribe to websites to receive email when recent news have been added.
When you access to MyNews for the first time, you have no subscription. It means that you have not selected yet any website that interests you.

By clicking on the
button, you will display recent news from all available websites scanned by MyNews. On the left of the page, the list of all available websites is displayed as icons. By clicking on one icon, you will display the recent news of the corresponding website. A
button then appears under the website icon. By clicking on this button, you will subscribe to the website. The news of this website will appear in your MyNews home page and you will be notified by email when recent news from this wedsite has been added to MyNews.

When the admin user access to MyNews for the first time, just after installation, there is no website (template) in MyNews. So you have to download the templates corresponding to the websites you want to scan. You can do that by clicking on
then on
finally on .

Available templates will be displayed in a list.
By clicking on the
icon, you will download the corresponding template.
Downloaded templates will appear in the list with a
When all templates that interest you are downloaded, click on to get back to the list of your templates.
Templates appear in the list with a
icon. It means that they are not active.
By clicking on the status icon, you will enable template. That means that corresponding website will be scanned by the mynews script.
Active templates appear in the list with a
You also need to download the templates icon to complete templates installation.
You can do that by clicking on the
Reload icon from website

You can now test the news scanning by running as mynews user, the command:

> mynews scan
The script will display all scanned news, topics and icons. Your MyNews website is now ready to use. You can now run the news scanning each hour by adding the line:
0 * * * * /usr/bin/mynews scan >> /home/mynews/mynews.log
to the mynews user crontab.

© 2004 Joël Savignon